Museum Barberini in Potsdam: Cosmos Kandinsky. Geometric abstrac...
At the beginning of the 20th century, painting underwent a profound change. Artists no longer wanted to depict the visible. They strove for a new visual language that reduced artistic expression to the interplay of colors, lines and surfaces. Geometric Abstraction saw these elements as a visual language that reflected the modern world and transcended national boundaries. Cosmos [...]
Brandenburg State Museum of Modern Art Frankfurt (Oder): A cri...
Our coldest season can score with astonishing aesthetics. The diffuse gray winter light needs to be captured precisely, nature frozen in frost captured in icy silence. And then there's the snow! Artists search for texture and color in it as an untouched carpet, as wild snow drifts or as thawing slush. It can therefore be assumed that the seasonal paintings are mostly frosty, [...]
Museum Neuruppin: Emilie2000
On the occasion of the 200th birthday of Emilie Fontane (1824-1902), Theodor Fontane's wife, the Museum Neuruppin is showing the exhibition Emilie200 in cooperation with the Theodor Fontane Archive. Emilie Fontane (1824-1902) was the companion and wife of Theodor Fontane, probably the most important German-language author of realism. To mark the 200th anniversary of her birth, the Museum Neuruppin is showing the exhibition Emilie200, which was created by the Theodor Fontane Archive in Potsdam [...].
Staatstheater Cottbus: Clothes make the man
The performance at the Staatstheater Cottbus will be based on the newly published critical first edition by Antony Beaumont. This is a newly discovered and previously unperformed version of the opera, which Zemlinsky created for the Mannheim Theater in 1913. Gottfried Keller's humorous novella about the poor little tailor who harbours exuberant longings to be an impostor in the neighboring [...]
Potsdamer Schlössernacht
Les Rendez-vous au Park Sanssouci Mit Blick in den Sommer 2021, bedanken wir uns für die Treue...
MINKS Kunsthaus in Potsdam: Hasso Plattner Collection - Art from the GDR
THE MINSK Kunsthaus in Potsdam shows in spring 2025 the exhibition Im Dialog - Sammlung Hasso...
Staatstheater Cottbus: Clothes make the man
The performance at the Staatstheater Cottbus will be based on the newly published critical...
Musikfestspiele Potsdam Sanssouci 2024: Tanz
Musik und Bewegung sind seit Beginn der Menschheit untrennbar miteinander verbunden. Der Tanz...
Carl Philipp Emanuel Bach Concert Hall Frankfurt (Oder): 7th Philharmonic Concert
The history of the Brandenburg State Orchestra Frankfurt (BSOF) goes back to the year 1842...
The MINSK Kunsthaus in Potsdam: a dialog between art and history
The former terrace restaurant "Minsk", built in the 1970s in the modernist style of the...
- Brandenburg Special
- Brandenburg Exhibition
- Brandenburg stage
- Brandenburg Festival
- Brandenburg concert
- Brandenburg Sightseeing
Potsdamer Schlössernacht
Les Rendez-vous au Park Sanssouci Mit Blick in den Sommer 2021, bedanken wir uns für die Treue...
MINKS Kunsthaus in Potsdam: Hasso Plattner Collection - Art from the GDR
THE MINSK Kunsthaus in Potsdam shows in spring 2025 the exhibition Im Dialog - Sammlung Hasso...
Staatstheater Cottbus: Clothes make the man
The performance at the Staatstheater Cottbus will be based on the newly published critical...
Musikfestspiele Potsdam Sanssouci 2024: Tanz
Musik und Bewegung sind seit Beginn der Menschheit untrennbar miteinander verbunden. Der Tanz...
Carl Philipp Emanuel Bach Concert Hall Frankfurt (Oder): 7th Philharmonic Concert
The history of the Brandenburg State Orchestra Frankfurt (BSOF) goes back to the year 1842...
The MINSK Kunsthaus in Potsdam: a dialog between art and history
The former terrace restaurant "Minsk", built in the 1970s in the modernist style of the...