Lower Saxony
Kunstmuseum Wolfsburg: Free swimming. Köpper into the art!
The exhibition Freischwimmen invites you on a journey full of courage, creativity and expressiveness. Like a dive into cool water, it stands for letting go, immersion and the freedom to overcome boundaries. The works on display present an exciting range of artistic positions that dare to look at the unknown and promote the exchange between tradition and experiment. [...]
Museums Stade | Kunsthaus Stade: AMANI kukita | kung'oa
Hundreds of cultural objects from Tanzania have been stored in Stade for over 100 years. Why did they go unnoticed for so long? And how did they get to Stade? The exhibition AMANI kukita | kung'oa (planted | uprooted). German and Tanzanian perspectives on a colonial collection in Stade, the Stade Museums are presenting the results, processes and reflections [...] for the first time.
Landesmuseum Hannover | Das WeltenMuseum: fresh wind - impres...
Impressionism blew like a fresh breeze from France across the entire continent from the 1860s onwards - and stirred up the art world of northern Europe. In collaboration with the Dutch Museum Singer Laren and the Museum Kunst der Westküste Alkersum/Föhr, the Landesmuseum Hannover shows how the characteristics of this important art movement are reflected in the works [...].
Sprengel Museum Hanover: Grethe Jürgens. Retroperspective
The comprehensive retrospective on Grethe Jürgens at the Sprengel Museum Hannover sheds light on an important representative of the New Objectivity of the 1920s. For the first time, the exhibition is showing part of her estate, which comprises over 370 works from various creative phases. The retrospective in the anniversary year of New Objectivity 2025 shows around 150 works, supplemented by numerous documents. These [...]
Braunschweiger Weihnachtsmarkt: Lichterglanz und Festtagsstimmung in der Löwenstadt
Die Löwenstadt bereitet sich auf die Weihnachtszeit vor. Vom 27. November bis zum 29. Dezember...
Kunstmuseum Wolfsburg: Free swimming. Köpper into the art!
Simply immerse yourself - without water, but with the same ease, visitors can feel...
Theater Lüneburg: Mask in blue
What would the world be like if it were different from what it is? Perhaps it would be a world in which...
79. Sommerliche Musiktage Hitzacker: „Themen!Los“
Noch ausdrücklicher als sonst sind die Künstlerinnen und Künstler in diesem Jahr aufgefordert,...
Scharoun Theater Wolfsburg: The Ukulele Orchestra of Great Britain
Founded in 1985, the London-based ensemble proves with great musical perfection that simply...
Museum of Cultural History Osnabrück
The Museum of Cultural History forms the historical core of the Osnabrück Museum Quarter. It...
- Lower Saxony Special
- Lower Saxony Exhibition
- Lower Saxony Stage
- Lower Saxony Festival
- Lower Saxony concert
- Lower Saxony Sightseeing
Braunschweiger Weihnachtsmarkt: Lichterglanz und Festtagsstimmung in der Löwenstadt
Die Löwenstadt bereitet sich auf die Weihnachtszeit vor. Vom 27. November bis zum 29. Dezember...
Kunstmuseum Wolfsburg: Free swimming. Köpper into the art!
Simply immerse yourself - without water, but with the same ease, visitors can feel...
Theater Lüneburg: Mask in blue
What would the world be like if it were different from what it is? Perhaps it would be a world in which...
79. Sommerliche Musiktage Hitzacker: „Themen!Los“
Noch ausdrücklicher als sonst sind die Künstlerinnen und Künstler in diesem Jahr aufgefordert,...
Scharoun Theater Wolfsburg: The Ukulele Orchestra of Great Britain
Founded in 1985, the London-based ensemble proves with great musical perfection that simply...
Museum of Cultural History Osnabrück
The Museum of Cultural History forms the historical core of the Osnabrück Museum Quarter. It...