Encouraging a pioneering spirit in the face of the challenges of ecological change facing our cities is the aim of City of Tomorrow.

Located near the emblematic Solar Impulse 1, the solar airplane ambassador of renewable energies that has set up its wings at the Cité des sciences et de l'industrie, this temporary exhibition mirrors the permanent exhibition Urgence Climate, which inspires us to take action. Like the explorer Bertrand Piccard, let yourself be guided by a compass that shows you the many ways to browse and observe the many innovative approaches being used today to combat urban overheating. The exhibition presents itself as a large playground where curiosity is your best ally.


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On an entertaining and interactive journey, you will discover concrete solutions for overcoming a wide range of climate challenges. Energy, water issues, construction, housing, mobility and waste management are all questions we need to ask ourselves in order to create a more sustainable city together.
What if you were the heroes of tomorrow? By following a narrative thread where you can discover innovative solutions, you will write the story of what the city you will live in will look like. This vibrant and inspiring exhibition will provide plenty of food for thought to explore the range of possibilities for a positive vision of the future.
September 20, 2023 to January 7, 2024
