The comedy plays, whose acting troupe has once again been called Ensemble Porcia since 2015, attract up to 20,000 visitors every summer. They are still committed to the "Theater of Joy" that Wochinz once founded. The light laughter of Porcia - theater at the highest level.

This woman lies down to die in order to achieve what she was denied in life: Her place at the side of the man she loves and who loves her. His love, however, with the restrictions that he believes he is entitled to as a man. So why not die - and then jump off the gravedigger's shovel in time to live? When a feint fails, she doesn't give up, no! There are secrets that develop a tremendous dynamic when hinted at but not revealed, even more so than a faked death! Filumena's ingenuity finds unexpected means to show her beloved man what his heart has known for so long but his stubborn, spoiled mind refuses to see: who he belongs to. Filumena and Domenico are an unusual couple. What separates them is a huge social difference and their opposing ideas of partnership and mutual togetherness. What unites them is and remains love - sometimes it almost resembles hatred, but it is love nonetheless. The former prostitute from Sicily and the slick Roman businessman love and live and argue and fight with each other in a very Italian, juicy way. We watch breathlessly, a little envious of so much intensity of life and Italianità.
Premiere July 12, 2024
Further performances: July 16, 20, 23, 27 and 31, August 2, 3, 8, 9, 13, 17, 21, 23, 24 and 29, 2024