Whether in the search for the Holy Grail on Tyrolean soil, the desperate and futile attempt to mend the "Broken Jug" or to save a great love from the grasp of hostile families - the Tyrolean Folk Theatre 2025 shows life as a circus and is characterized by love and hate. After two overwhelmingly successful seasons, in which more than 25,000 spectators flocked to Telfs, Artistic Director Gregor Bloéb and his team have once again put together a promising program for the coming summer.

A brief history of Tyrolean humanity in eight pictures and a grail
To thank the people of Telf for their loyal support and to underline their solidarity with the market town, the festive opening ceremony on July 5 will once again coincide with the village festival in 2025. And the very next day, the Volksbühnen will take over the Great Town Hall. In cooperation with the Theaterverband Tirol, Thomas Gassner will once again bring together eight village stages in Telfs to tell no more and no less than "A short history of Tyrolean humanity in eight pictures and a grail".
While the world is falling apart everywhere and humanity is losing its collective knowledge and memory, the brass bands are playing the apocalypse march and the melting glaciers are sinking into the mire for the time being, this colorful troupe of around 50 theater enthusiasts is determined to spread confidence and love again and casually take the wind out of the sails of the preachers of hate. According to Thomas Gassner, the history of mankind began in Tyrol - from Ötzi to Maultasch, from the Bumsers to the Brenner Base Tunnel - and it will end in Tyrol. Four performances in the Rathaussaal will give you the opportunity to experience this search for the Grail - naturally hidden in the Holy Land - at first hand.
Premiere: July 6, 2025, large town hall in Telfs
Further performances: July 9, 10, 11, 2025

The Broken Jug , 2024 © Marcella Ruiz Cruz

The Broken Jug , 2024 © Marcella Ruiz Cruz

The Broken Jug
The most important news for all Kleistians and theater guerrillas: The star-studded "Broken Jug", directed by Anna Bergmann and celebrated by audiences and critics alike, will return to Eduard-Wallnöfer-Platz in July. Anyone who has missed the already legendary mobile truck stage, the sparkling confrontation between the village judge Adam (Tobias Moretti) and the court councillor Walter (Corinna Harfouch) and the love story between Eve (Annalena Hochgruber) and Ruprecht (Lenz Moretti), which is prevented by the authorities and patriarchal violence, will now have a new chance to secure tickets for this public day in court. The premiere of the revival is on July 14, 2025, with ten performances planned. Thrilling theater for everyone, right in the heart of Telfs.
Premiere: July 14, 2025, Eduard-Wallnöfer-Platz
Further performances: July 15, 16, 17, 21, 22, 23, 24, 25, 26, 2025

Romeo & Juliet
An atmospheric tent will be erected in the Telfer Kuppelarena for the new main play, which celebrates its premiere on July 31: A circus is coming to the market town. Not your everyday circus, however, but "The Greatest Show on Earth", a free, wild and contemporary take on "Romeo and Juliet". Shakespeare's tragedy, set not far from Telfs in Verona, has been an integral part of the world's stages for centuries and yet has to be rediscovered by every generation. The play tells of the bloody enmity between two powerful families, of two very young people who try to break this seemingly eternal cycle of violence with the power of love - and fail. But do they really fail?
A special focus will once again be on working with the next (acting) generation, the "Rising Stars", whose promotion is particularly important to the Volksschauspielen. So we can look forward to new interesting faces, talents and styles. In any case, there will be love to the death here: life, love and death as a spectacular circus show, with acrobatics and magic, dance and live music. The director will be Gregor Bloéb, together with his proven team. And again: right in the heart of Telfs.
Premiere: July 31, Kuppelarena Telfs
Further performances: August 1, 2, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 2025
