The exhibition presents artistic productions that address gender and gender-based discrimination, sexism and the inequality of women (and all those who identify as women), with discrimination manifesting at the intersections of gender and other categories and circumstances such as class, labor, race, nationality, sexual identity and age.

Feminist positions in the visual arts in and from Slovenia can be understood as those positions that address issues of gender in the subject matter of the artwork; that use styles, techniques and media in a critical, ironic or subversive way; or that conceive or practice methods of artistic creation and action in a way that deviates from the conventional notion of an autonomous artwork or authorship and its predictable outcome of reproducing the patriarchal-capitalist order. All artworks based on feminist positions aim to achieve a transformative impact through their imaginative and affective potential to articulate ideas and concepts in compelling visual, material, spatial, performative and processual forms, capable of bringing about lasting socio-political change.
October 27, 2023 to April 14, 2024