"Stegreif", the Improvising Symphony Orchestra, literally plays without a net or a false bottom. The musicians play from memory and without a conductor, as if straight from the heart. Everything sounds as if freshly invented, completely in the moment - and yet is saturated with history and vision.

The "Symphony of change" arose from the exploration of different perspectives on sustainability. The artists see the evening as a musical invitation to get involved and initiate the change that is necessary for the major issues of our time. The orchestra spans the musical arc of four female composers and eras of an unheard musical history: from Hildegard von Bingen to Wilhelmine von Bayreuth, Emilie Mayer and Clara Schumann. Stegreif gives them a new sound: selected works by these female composers were recomposed by members of Stegreif. The intoxicating result transcends all genre boundaries between improvised music, jazz, new music and classical music.
June 13, 2024
