A world-class work of garden art
In the Romantic period, nature was meant to be one thing above all: natural. As a romantic landscape park, Fürst Pückler Park Bad Muskau represents the greatest possible contrast to the baroque geometry of courtly garden design.

At the time of Prince Herman von Pückler-Muskau, ornamental garden art developed into scenic landscape art. The prince, who was primarily known as a travel writer, combined plants and landscape to create an overall work of art rich in perspective, which brought the style to the USA.

With two thirds of the park located on Polish territory and one third on German territory, the extensive UNESCO World Heritage Site is now a testimony to European integration. The castle at the heart of the park, which was completely burnt down during the Second World War, has now been almost completely rebuilt and houses the exhibition "Pückler! Pückler? Simply unbelievable!". You can enjoy a fantastic view over the entire Fürst Pückler Park Bad Muskau from the 35-metre-high castle tower.



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