This production is an event! A classic of world literature as an intoxicating spectacle. In Melville's genre-busting novel, in the descriptions of man and beast, of man and nature, in Ahab, beaten by fate, who once lost his leg in the fight against the white whale, man's rage at his fate and the relentless struggle for his own dignity are reflected. Inspired by the Old Testament, the works of Shakespeare and the events of his time, Herman Melville wrote this disturbing novel in 1851, ahead of his time.
Captain Ahab obsessively pursues the urge to take revenge on the giant white sperm whale that has torn off one of his legs. Whoever spots Moby Dick first will receive a gold coin. The men who earn their living from whaling fall under the charismatic skipper's spell and become more and more part of Ahab's revenge mania.

Moby Dick © Ingo Hoehn
Ishmael's escape to sea is the journey of an outcast's soul into the big questions of being human. Why is the world the way it is? Inspired by the Old Testament, the works of Shakespeare, whaling and countless other contemporary accounts, Melville writes much more than just an adventure novel about the crew, led by Ahab, who want to kill the white whale in order to drive evil out of the world; he writes a novel about the meaningfulness of being human.
Antú Romero Nunes and Jörg Pohl stage a solo version of their groundbreaking collaboration.
April 27 and 28, 2023