"The task of art today is to bring chaos into order." (Theodor W. Adorno)

What is the result if everyone wants a play to suit their taste? Some prefer the catharsis of tragedy, others the distraction of comedy, some love lyrical drama and still others the slapstick - and quite others prefer not to think at all. The result can only be total chaos - or theater. As in the case of Prokofiev's ludicrous fairy tale about a very melancholy prince who falls in love with three oranges. After all, everyone should get their money's worth here. True to the motto "More is more!", everything the theater's bag of tricks has to offer is brought to life: Fairy tales and masks, kings and wizards, princesses and princes, evil curses and good wishes, a little love, a little laughter. And, of course, a happy ending. And of course: three oranges!
Premiere May 18, 2024
Further performances: May 26 and 31, June 2, 12, 20 and 22, 2024
