Hardly a day goes by without us using digital technologies. Our dependence on digital tools, services and infrastructure is increasing every day. In the last few months in particular, the question of the risks of digital change has gained attention in light of the latest developments in artificial intelligence. Under the title "But is it safe?", the third edition of the "Digiloglounge" is dedicated to the potential risks of digital transformation for democracy, privacy and autonomy.
Security and transparency in the digital space and the resulting trust are prerequisites for being able to take advantage of the opportunities offered by digitalization. Security deficits and uncertainty can not only jeopardize economic success, but also social cohesion and democracy. "Digiloglounge Nr°3" therefore focuses on two main topics and looks at the effects of digitalization on elections and democratic processes as well as on individual behaviour in dealing with artificial intelligence.
"Smile to Vote - Political Physignomy Analytics" (2017-2024), an artistic-scientific research project by Alexander Peterhänsel, confronts visitors with an AI-supported voting system that uses facial recognition to determine political beliefs and automate the voting process. The project addresses the impact of AI-supported biometric scoring methods on democratic processes, self-determination and privacy in the digital age.
KASTEL, the KIT | Institute for Information Security and Reliability, shows with "The Ignorant Voting Machine" (2017-2019) what challenges arise for general and secret elections if voting is to take place digitally. The cryptographic voting machine offers a secure solution should digital voting procedures be introduced in the coming years. In view of the upcoming US elections, Stephanie Lepp's deep fake video "Deep Reckonings" (2020) remains highly topical. It features Donald Trump, among others, admitting his lies about the 2020 election. What ethical implications does AI-generated content have for our understanding of truth?
The interactive installation "TrustAI" (2020) by Bernd Lintermann and Florian Hertweck allows visitors to talk to an avatar and find a personal answer to the question of what makes us trust artificial intelligence, what makes us feel insecure and what risks we want to take.
"Digiloglounge N° 3: But is it safe?" invites you to explore topics at the intersection of AI, ethics and democracy from an artistic and scientific perspective.
February 4 to June 2, 2024