What do 70-year-old vacation memories say about today's images of Austria? How did Austria become a "tourist nation"? When Austria reinvented itself after the end of the Second World War and Nazi rule, the idea of a vacation destination played an important role: Austria, marked by destruction, sold itself abroad as an idyllic place of longing and an affordable travel destination. This also shaped the self-image at home.
Based on two unique travel photo albums of a British couple from the 1950s, this exhibition tells a little-noticed story: the new hdgö special exhibition traces the image of Austria as an up-and-coming tourist destination. Many surprising objects make tangible how much the early phase of tourism still has an impact today. Discover where the formative clichés and ideas from the Austrian present come from and how they have changed!
March 14, 2024 to January 6, 2025