The Kunstmuseum Stuttgart is dedicating a comprehensive retrospective to the internationally renowned artist Sarah Morris (*1967, Sevenoaks, GB) with works from all creative phases - including paintings, drawings, film posters, video works and sculptures.

Since the 1990s, Morris has combined the themes of architecture, politics, economics and design in her multifaceted work. The color-intensive geometric compositions capture the visual structures of modern building facades. This painterly translation of the visual codes of a cityscape blurs reality and abstraction, creating the impression of virtual architecture. Her video works, which are conceptually linked to the paintings, are also a reflection on the dynamic changes in the world's metropolises. The exhibition is organized by the Deichtorhallen Hamburg in collaboration with the Kunstmuseen Krefeld, the Zentrum Paul Klee, Bern, and the Kunstmuseum Stuttgart.
September 21, 2024 to February 9, 2025

Sarah Morris, Department of Water and Power [Los Angeles], 2004 © Sarah Morris

Sarah Morris, Department of Water and Power [Los Angeles], 2004 © Sarah Morris