Art collections are not only found in museums or in the possession of wealthy collectors: many artists also have extensive collections. However, these are not based on subsidized purchase budgets or generous bequests, but on exchanges with fellow artists.

As in every major art metropolis, there is also a lively barter trade among artists in Vienna. Accordingly, there are many private collections, most of which are located in studios and living spaces and are therefore generally not accessible to the public. The exhibition "Coincidence of Wants" sheds light on these unknown collections. Compiled as a group exhibition, the works on display show a fragment of Vienna's complex artistic networks as a web of mutual appreciation that can also be understood as a parallel economy.
The exhibition shows works from the collections of: Abdul Sharif Oluwafemi Baruwa, Andreas Fogarasi, Nilbar Güreş, Thomas Geiger, Katharina Höglinger, Georg Petermichl, Liesl Raff, Julia Rublow, Johanna Charlotte Trede, Robin Waart and a photography series created for the exhibition by Jennifer Gelardo.
November 9, 2023 to March 17, 2024