"Singin' in the Rain" is a great declaration of love to the musical. The Hollywood original with its spectacular dance scenes is now one of the most famous films in history and regularly ranks in the top 10 lists of the best films of all time.

It's the golden age of Hollywood: fans flock to the red carpets in droves to finally get close to their screen heroes, the tabloids are full of stories about stars and starlets. But behind the scenes of the dream factory, not everything is always as glamorous as it seems. Don Lockwood and Lina Lamont are the biggest silent movie stars of their time and the screen couple par excellence. Away from the movies, however, Lockwood has no feelings for his co-star at all. On the run from pushy fans one evening, Don makes the acquaintance of young actress Kathy Selden, in whom he quickly takes an interest. But Don's career begins to falter when a technical innovation shakes the very foundations of film - the talkie. The problem: Lina's voice is not exactly suited to being presented to a large audience. How fortunate that Kathy Selden is an extremely talented speaker and singer.
Premiere December 2, 2023
Further performances up to and including May 5, 2024
