Lucy was 25 years old when she died on the bank of a river - probably because she fell from a great height. Because this riverbank protected her mortal remains from further external influences, we know little today, but something about Lucy's life. She lived in East Africa; relative to her relatives, she was quite small. Apart from her lethal injuries, she was quite healthy at the time of her death. She climbed trees a lot in her life, she didn't hike quite as much.
Lucy probably had one or more children, she became pregnant with them, gave birth to them and nursed them. What happened to her children? What death, and above all, what life did they have? What were their worries, what were their hopes?

Lucy lived around 3.2 million years ago.
Lucy's descendants changed, without forming a new species, in such a way that we today speak of anagenesis (from the ancient Greek for higher development). This is because Lucy - as a representative of her relatives and contemporaries - is in fact our original mother. The alleged anagenesis that Lucy's children underwent allowed them, over many millennia, to finally find their inheritance in us, the humans who call themselves "the wise".

Lucy died a long time ago in Africa. She was like us and yet also very different.
What has changed?
Can Lucy's story perhaps hold a mirror up to us and make us more aware of our questions about the origins of Homo sapiens, which then raise questions about the purpose of its existence?
Premiere April 12, 2024
Further performances: April 20 and 28 and on May 11, 2024