An imaginative story for people who want to celebrate life, preserve the future and fly with Ilnur.
In addition to long-distance flights, the albatrosses also specialize in making love. They are also good at belly landings. Only Ilnur has yet to find out about the former. The albatross child receives help even before its first flight: not only the inspiring words of its parents, but also the help of a bird without feathers called Man and Rahel allow Ilnur to start exploring the world. Encounters with the turtle Soup Bowl, some fish, a nasty pair of seagulls and whales that become islands allow Ilnur to take on unexpected perspectives and find companions. Even when they are not with him, they are there, just like Ilnur's parents. Ilnur carries his home within him, just like everything else that is alive. But there is this inanimate, this plastic that takes up more and more space, even in their bellies, and doesn't really want to leave. But the world is the home of animals, plants and humans, which must be protected and everyone needs to know that.
World premiere March 2, 2024
Further performances on March 24 and April 6, 2024