At the beginning of the 20th century, Brazil was a young nation in search of its own identity. The population was made up of various indigenous groups, former slaves and scalves, colonists and migrants from all over Europe and Japan. A wide variety of cultures came together in this context. Art was also on the move and artists were looking for their own modern forms of artistic expression. Their references were the European avant-garde - including Paul Klee - and their own indigenous and Afro-Brazilian cultures.
The exhibition at the Zentrum Paul Klee shows various ways in which Brazilian artists developed their own modern visual languages. In addition to works by ten artists, it presents an introduction to formative political and economic events as well as milestones in the country's literature, music, design and architecture.
September 7, 2024 to January 5, 2025

Lasar Segall Mulato II, c. 1924 Oil on canvas, private collection